Most of us learned about the birds and bees back in high school during Biology class. Although we lacked s*x education as a class subject back then, majority knew that engaging in unprotected intercourse could result in pregnancy. Thanks to the Internet, a quick Google search will tell you how babies are made. But for this seaman, it looked like he wasn’t paying attention when human anatomy was discussed. And how about human decency? It seemed like he lacked that as well when he immediately dumped his girlfriend after discovering she’s pregnant. 

On Facebook, the Seaman’s Confession PAGE reposted the story of one of their shipmates who was accused of doing something indecent to his girl. To warn other potential victims of the man, the girl’s friend wrote about the unfavorable situation.

The note became viral after gathering 1,500 reactions and more than 1,000 comments. It has also been shared more than 2,100 times. The young man in question reportedly works as a seaman, boarding ships for months as part of the crew. Because of his virility, the man enjoys having unprotected intercourse with his girlfriend. Little did he know that doing so would sometimes result in a baby. The girl took a pregnancy test and discovered that she is indeed pregnant. She confronted the seaman about their situation, but instead of accepting the fact that he’ll be a father in less than a year, he refused to believe her. The young man repeatedly insisted that he is not yet ready to be a dad because his earnings aren’t enough to feed a family.

Moreover, the upset seaman suggested something else: have the fetus aborted. “Hanap ka ng paraan na para mawala yang dinadala mo,” he wrote during their chat.

The guy even had the gall to accuse the girl of being weak for giving up her body to him, saying, “Dapat di mo binigay sa akin yung bandera mo. Alam mo naman na may gf ako.”

Say, what?

Apparently, the seaman is cheating on his real girlfriend and had gotten his side chick impregnated! He even accused her that it’s impossible to get her pregnant since she had intimate relations with other men long before they were together. 

Read the Facebook post below:

In the end, the seaman reportedly broke up with her, leaving the girl depressed and devastated over her pregnancy. The author of the post wanted to teach the seaman a lesson, but we firmly believe that he needs to be schooled on sex education and decency before mingling with other people.


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