Kuwaiti social media star Sondos Al Qattan insisted that what she said was right and refused to apologize for publicly opposing the new policies of Kuwait to protect OFW's.

Instead of apologizing, Al Qattan insisted that as a servant, they should surrender their passport to their employers.

All I said was that the employer was entitled to keep the servant’s passport, and that many Kuwaitis and Gulf nationals agree with me,” Al Qattan said.

I have the right as a kafil (sponsor) to keep my employee’s passport, and I am responsible for paying a deposit of up to 1,500 dinars (around $4,900),” she added.

After her controvercial comments, everal cosmetic brands which became the source of income of Al Qattan already removed their ties - saying that they were shocked by the recent announcements of the Kuwaiti social media star.

"We believe that decent working conditions should be provided to everyone and such behavior does not represent our brand's core beliefs," the company Chelsea Beautique stated.

Another company, French Perfume brand M Micallef also said that the comment of Al Qattan prompted them to end their relationship with her.

Netizens thanked the companies that already removed their sponsorship to Al Qattan.

Al Qattan is not yet giving a statement after the companies that giving her money already severed their ties to her.

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