Led by the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP), several lawyers’ groups on Wednesday urged the United Nations to investigate efforts to unseat Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno.

An impeachment process and a quo warranto petition both seek Sereno’s removal from office over allegations that she failed to declare her wealth, bypassed her colleagues in the issuance of court orders and led a lavish lifestyle, which she denied.

The ouster moves against Sereno are among events that allegedly “threaten the independence of the judiciary,” which lawyers cited in their communication to the UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, IBP president Abdiel Fajardo told reporters.

Also cited in the communication, he said, are alleged efforts to connect lawyers to the crimes of the clients they represent, especially those tagged in the narcotics trade, as well as the attempt to include lawyers and judges in the list of suspected terrorists.

“It is our position that judicial independence is fundamental to the protection of human rights, democracy and the rule of law,” Fajardo said.
“There is a direct relation between the weakening of safeguards for the judiciary and lawyers, and the gravity and frequency of human rights violations,” he added.

Another UN Special Rapporteur, Agnes Callamard, has expressed interest in investigating Manila’s anti-narcotics drive.

Malacañang had said it was open to inquiry, as long as it will not be headed by Callamard, who was accused of bias against President Rodrigo Duterte.

The UN probe into the state of the Philippine judiciary “might serve as an encouragement to our government to somehow return to due process and other basic tenets in the constitution respecting the rule of law,” Fajardo told ANC.

“As lawyers, we want to appear in courts who will only resolve cases based on the evidence and the law that is applicable,” he said.
“As practitioners, we do not want to appear before judges who are intimidated, fearful and who are somehow affected in their judgement because their judgement might offend other branches of government,” he added.

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  1. I really cannot understand what other dilawans lawyers are claiming about the violations of human nrights in the Philippines ? I do not see any violations on human rights at all. War on drugs is not a violations of human rights ! They were criminmals who murdered innocent civilians and childrens with their illegal drugs, and you lawyers of IBP claimed they are humans ? Are they humans ? Are they really humans ? Hahahah hohohohohohhoho fucking hell ! If these crimimnal drugs addicts criminmals kill your relatives, would you still call them humans ? ahahahahahah co`mmon please stop yopur fucking hypocrisy ! I am not born during Jurasick ages. Humans are people who follow adhere and live by the laws of the land and does not murder innocent civilians, raping a year old babies, rapimng 80- years old grandmother, mutilating their own parents, raping their own siblings etc etc etc. Then you call them fucking humans ? ahahahahahahaha fuck you all arsehole wankers cocksuckers ! You only want attentions , you need something to get attentions for your cause, to get into power and rob our country of its wealth as much as you can like the previous administrations. Bevcause president Duterte would not allow anybody to graft and corruption you fucking bastard IBP wanted to oust him, regardless of how well is he doing ! That is the reality and facts. Clear as crystal water. You hated Duterte`s guts and brain and knowhow getting rid of criminalitries because your illegal drugs business graft and corruptions are reaching an end. Hahahahahahahaah co`mmon lets stop these fucking bullshits IBP. Let us cut off these craps. You are all wankers, thieves, graft and corruptors who wants easy money. Now our beloved president is determined to eliminate you off criminals, you want UN to interven ! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh fuck you all IBP. Sereno is fucking pathological liar. A narcissistic person, a very savvy liar who would sell his own paternals to lie to achieved her goals. I am not daff. The people now are fully awaked. We have the social media. The ninternet age is here. You cannot hide anymore from the pants of a corrupted govbernment officials of the past. Duterte`s administration is cleansing all evils of the governments, and IBP JBC are amongst them. Sereno should and must go out of the SC. She is fake like Robredo who cheats. Both of them are pathological "cheats". CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, CHEATS, in fact should be hang soon. bRING BACK DEATH PENALTY TO ALL GRAFT AND CORRUPTED, PLUNDERERS, DURUGISTAS, CHEATS AND LIARS.

