Author of ‘The Untold Story of Imelda Marcos’ book and a prominent writer Carmen Pedrosa, tackled not just a very relevant matter on the country’s electoral process but also considered as the heart of the problem.

The most important decision we, the Filipino people have to take is whether or not we will have elections in 2019 using the Smartmatic-PCOS machine again.” she started off.

The prominent writer said that due to several incidents of cheating, people were also diverted from the real problem and that Comelec “abdicated” its responsibilities to a foreign company.
By entering into a contract with Smartmatic, the Comelec, in effect delegated the exclusive powers granted to it by the 1987 Constitution to a private, foreign company based in the Netherlands.

The Comelec, through its contract with Smartmatic, in effect, outsourced the supervision of the Philippine electoral system, including the counting, consolidation and canvassing of votes, among other things. At best, the Comelec performed a subsidiary role to Smartmatic in the elections. It, in effect, transformed itself into the secretariat of Smartmatic, which, to all intents and purposes, usurped the poll body’s functions and powers.” She wrote.

Pedrosa also cited that people should be grateful to Atty. Glenn Chong who resurrected the issue on how the Smartmatic took over the country’s elections.

However, she advised Chong’s supporters who were trying to install him as the next Comelec chairman because that alone, is not the solution.
The problem is the Comelec itself. It must be abolished.” The author said.

The heart of the problem is that to continue holding elections using machines (Smatmatic in particular) is unconstitutional.” She added.

Pedrosa also stressed that having Smartmatic again in the next elections is like - ‘once again, sleep walling into another unconstitutional election’. Just like the previous elections, these government institutions will be used again to continue and give the stamp of approval to the elected candidates.

Instead of ensuring honest and transparent elections it will be used to give the elections and its elected candidates their stamp of approval and that is all there is to it. Citizens can kick and scream “fraud” to no avail once the election is done, however it is done. That was how Noynoy Aquino became president. Remember? Smartmatic machines made him president.” She said.

The prominent writer also stated thatCongress acting as the Presidential Electoral Tribunal rushed the tabulation despite legitimate objections and ambassadors with close ties to the US trooped to congratulate the president elect in his house even before the tabulation was finished in 2010. The electoral body is betting on a calculated risk that if it worked in 2010, it will work in 2013 and 2016. And again in 2019.

Unless we change our pattern of attack we cannot win.” She added.

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