A Filipina living in the US recently earned the ire of the Filipino community after she slammed Filipino call center agents, calling them idiots who know how to speak English.

The woman was identified as a certain Jhenny Gacasa who posted the rant from somewhere in Mesquite, Texas.

In her post, Gacasa calls for the US to bring back call centers back to America and to employ 100% fluent English speakers because the ones she had talked to were clearly not Americans. She said that it was clear from these call center agents’ accent that they are from outside the US, and some were from the Philippines.

According to Gacasa who was clearly fuming, these call center agents might know how to speak English but they are idiots. She also said it was abuse of her time to be talking to the agent for over an hour but her issue wasn’t resolved because the call center agent didn’t seem to understand her problem.

But instead of getting sympathy from netizens, she ended up getting slammed for her harsh words and demeaning rant against the call center agents from her home country.

Others laughed at her, calling her a ‘trying hard American’ as they pointed out that she was ranting about the call center agents supposedly being idiots but she made a mistake on her post, writing It is ABUSED OF MY TIME to be on the phone for freaking 1 hr and it suck!!

Many also said that it was possible the call center agents did not understand what she was saying as she was probably speaking in a forced accent to act like an American.

These comments did not have evidence to back them up, of course, but these commenters were simply trying to defend the Filipino call center agents who are often described as among the best in the world!


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  1. You know what gaga...
    You're just a freaking fucking trying hard cow..
    Instead of helping your own people ..
    You want to kill them ...?
    Your stinky mouth and your rubbish brain better you clean it...
    It's just happened that you can speak English and live in America it doesn't mean your blood that runningin your vein already blood of American. .
    You still have the blood of your filipino ancestors. ..
    Okay bruha????

  2. You know what gaga...
    You're just a freaking fucking trying hard cow..
    Instead of helping your own people ..
    You want to kill them ...?
    Your stinky mouth and your rubbish brain better you clean it...
    It's just happened that you can speak English and live in America it doesn't mean your blood that runningin your vein already blood of American. .
    You still have the blood of your filipino ancestors. ..
    Okay bruha????

