Singer-Composer Anthony Castelo is a staunch supporter of the Duterte government as he believes the man was predestined to lead the country to great heights.

In a post that Castelo’s shared on social media, he urged the Filipino netizens to support and unite in helping the President' save the Philippines from foreign exploitation and oligarch interests.

If we really love our country, then let us unite behind President Duterte to save and protect the Philippines,” Castelo stated.

I believe President Rodrigo Duterte has been predestined to fulfill the dreams and aspirations of our people throughout the ages of true freedom and genuine change in society.” He added.

The singer said that contrary to what the oligarchs and opposition claim, Martial Law is not as bad as they make it look like. In Fact, through Martial Law, the country started to progress and discipline were ingrained in the minds of the people.

He also said that ex-President Marcos taught him how to love his country, while President Duterte is teaching us how to show that love.

According to him, President Roderigo Duterte may be the person who will finish what heroes like Bonifacio, Rizal, and Aguinaldo started and died fighting for. And that is to liberate our people from poverty and social injustice.
Believe me, the day will come when this revolutionarian President, Rodrigo Roa Duterte will be called a hero... and maybe, just maybe, the greatest Filipino leader of this generation...” Castelo said.


Read some of the netizen’s reactions below:

Source: Facebook

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